You are currently viewing BBF MONTHLY | SEPTEMBER 2019


The September 2019 issue of the BBF magazine has the cover story on the emergence of brand sustainability over the course of time, having various aspects of sustainability issues in the world & how it’s differing in Asia. Alongside, there’s an article on performative gestures as a tool of communication, featuring the interactive performance on the 9th Communication Summit.

The issue touches on topics such as – having essential skills to avoid being replaced by a machine, looking at the next level of RCS messaging, how brand rebels are changing the game of marketing, examples of transparent marketing around the world that helped brands grow etc. Insightful interview pieces by Tay Guan hin, Rezaul Hossain and Mahin Mazher are also there in this issue.

Discover all of these and much more in the BBF magazine’s September 2019 issue.

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