Bangladesh Brand Forum will hold the Digital Summit 2019 in its sixth iteration on 2nd November at Le Meridien Dhaka. The theme for this year’s summit is “Digital Transformation For People”.
The day-long summit will delve into the theme to explore answers to some exciting questions surrounding the digital space and the challenges it poses through keynotes, case studies, interactive panel discussions, and insight sessions. The summit will bring together leading and global industry professionals, decision-makers and thought leaders under one roof to exchange and share their experiences about all aspects of digital marketing. It will also provide a multidisciplinary forum to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, strategies, challenges, and solutions in the field of digital media and marketing.
This year in Digital Summit, we will have:
4 Keynote Sessions
4 Panel Discussions
2 Case Study Presentations
3 Insight Sessions
For further information & queries contact:
Phone: +880 1743 836 608, +880 1732 040 379
Email: [email protected]
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