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Shining the Future

Free Schooling for the Underprivileged Children

According to unicef, in Bangladesh an estimating number of 5 million people live in the slums. Access to basic essential services in such communities is scarce. Many children must work, are denied an education and are vulnerable to violence, abuse, and exploitation. An estimated 5 million children aged 5 to 14 years are working, many under dangerous conditions. Poverty is the main cause of child labour. There are virtually no structured early learning opportunities to prepare young children for school.

As a result, a large portion of child population in Bangladesh remains untaught. These children have every right to be properly educated. Poverty Fighter Foundation (PFF) is working to ensure quality education for the slum children and street urchins who are deprived of their basic rights. Through proper education, they aim to provide these underprivileged children with a chance to have a sustainable future.

Free Schooling Project of PFF provides free of cost education to underprivileged children of Bangladesh. In schooling, it follows syllabus of national curriculum of Bangladesh, principally English version. The first school under PFF was established on 14th February, 2011. The date 14th February, Valentine’s Day, was purposely chosen to express love towards those children who are deprived from education.

The school was commenced with 30 children who were genuinely deprived of their fundamental rights.PFF is now running free of cost education to almost 80 children under 2 schools located at Uttara, Dhaka City and Khulna City. PFF is also committed to addressing the issues regarding hygiene and malnutrition that these children face every day. Most of the children of the schools come from local slum areas. Their age ranges from 4 to 14. The subjects that are taught in the PFF School in Play Group, Nursery, Class 1, 2 & 3 are: Arabic, English, Mathematics, Bengali, General Knowledge, Art & Crafts, Science, Social Studies, and The Basics of Computer.

Every child admitted here comes from a family living under the poverty lines. Before being enrolled in the school all these children were part of the child labor industry. As PFF has given them a platform, these poor children surely will be able to see lights at the end of the tunnel.

Your contribution can bring immense changes to the lives of these children and pave their way to education. You can sponsor a child and bear all the expenses of his/her education with only BDT 1,500 (USD20/GBP13) per month. PFF also accept necessary schooling equipments and other necessary supplies.

 If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact!

Shaba Binte Amin, Founder, Poverty Fighter Foundation (PFF)
Phone: +8801711965510 
E-mail: [email protected]

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