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Women Empowerment for mitigating climate change and building Climate resilience

IEEE AIUB Student Branch WIE Affinity Group successfully organized a webinar titled “Women Empowerment for mitigating climate change and building Climate resilience” as an extended celebration of IEEE WIE Day 2023. The webinar was held with the aim of enlightening participants about the current state of the climate. It highlighted the significant contributions made by the changes in climate towards human health. Dr. Mohammad Hasan Imam, Counselor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch; Advisor IEEE EMBS AIUB SB; Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB, inaugurated the webinar by speaking briefly about climates and its impacts on human well-being. He then introduced the speaker prior to the keynote session.

Dr. Celia Shahnaz, 2023 IEEE WIE Chair, professor BUET, Member IEEE New initiative and history Committee, IEEE EAB FRC, then initiated the session. She began by highlighting the crucial role of Women in Engineering (WIE) and the promising opportunities it offers for female students. Sharing her own inspiring biography and remarkable achievements, she highlighted her deep passion for engineering and its profound impact on society. Moving on, she delved into the diverse IEEE societies and stressed the immense value of diversity and collaboration within the organization, including IEEE HKN. Next, she turned her attention to the pressing issue of climate change and discussed initiatives aimed at promoting eco-friendly products and environmental preservation, particularly concerning high-risk populations. The session’s focus on climate health and its significance was evident throughout. The talk culminated with a powerful and motivational speech, wherein the speaker highlighted the importance of capstone projects aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and actively contributing to combating climate change. She encouraged participants to embrace novelty and innovation as they address the challenges posed by climate change, urging them to think outside the box for solutions. The session then transitioned into a dedicated question and answer segment, fostering interaction between the participants and the speaker. This provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to seek clarification on various important topics discussed during the talk. The discussed topics and concerns which align with various SDG agendas such as Climate Action, Gender Equality, Good Health, and Well-being. It demonstrated the interconnectedness of women empowerment as well.

Following the keynote session, Dr. Mohammad Hasan Imam took the stage to deliver the closing remarks. With gratitude and admiration, he presented a virtual token of appreciation to the esteemed speaker, acknowledging her insightful contribution to the webinar. He also extended his heartfelt thanks to the IEEE AIUB Student Branch WIE Affinity Group for organizing the event. The event started at 8:10 PM and ended at 9:30 PM. A total of 80+ participants attended the event.

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