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4th Intra-Department Moot Court Competition 2023 by AIUB Moot Court Club

AIUB Moot Court Club, American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) recently organized the 4th Intra-Department Moot Court Competition 2023, held from 2nd to 5th August 2023. Each moot court team consisted of 3 members (2 mooters and 1 researcher) and a total of 19 teams from the Department registered and participated in this year’s competition. 35 students from 2nd and 3rd semester were also assigned to the teams as intern researchers. The competition was coordinated and facilitated by Mr. Ahasan Habib, Lecturer, Department of Law as a part of the student development initiative for law students.

The competition began on 2nd August through an Opening Ceremony where Dr. Tazul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), AIUB inaugurated the competition and Dr. A. B. M. Rahmatullah, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), AIUB gave his welcome speech. Afterwards, Mr. Ahasan Habib, Lecturer and Moderator of AIUB Moot Court Club discussed various aspects and significance of moot competition for the law students and the Ceremony ended with the Vote of Thanks of Dr. Syeda Afroza Zerin, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Law, AIUB.

On 3rd August, law academicians, practitioners and faculty members from various universities contributed as the Moot Court Judges of the preliminary, quarter-final and semi-final rounds. The Final Round of the Competition took place on 5th August 2023 and the judges of the final round were Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed, Honourable Justice, High Court Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Mohammad Sayed Ahmed (Raza), Senior Advocate and Member, Bangladesh Bar Council and Dr. Jamila A Chowdhury, Professor, Department of Law, University of Dhaka.

In the Valedictory Ceremony, Justice Zafar Ahmed, as the chief guest of the competition, shed light on the importance of moot competition in court practice and appreciated the efforts of the competitors and encouraged them to gain more knowledge for making their arguments more persuasive. The Ceremony started with the opening remarks of Professor Dr. Taslima Monsoor, Adviser, Department of Law, AIUB where Mr. Sadman Rizwan Apurbo, Lecturer, Department of Law anchored the ceremony. At the end, Mr. Md. Abdur Rahman, Professor and Pro-Vice Chancellor of American International University – Bangladesh gave vote of thanks and expressed her gratitude to the judges of the final rounds for taking their time and visiting the university. He appreciated the efforts of the organizers, judges of the competition, guests, and the AIUB Moot Court Club for making the competition successful and concluded the event with a promise to host an Inter-University Moot Court Competition in the future.

After two days of intense mooting, the team comprising Khan Md Lamim Ebny Habib, Tasnuva Tabassum Eshara and Sheikh Naser emerged as champion and Animesh Sutradhar, Debashis and Atia Afrin Epty as a team became runner-up of the prestigious event. A team comprising of Md. Hossain Ahamed, Nurnahar Akter Sathi and Sanjida Binte Shamsuddin got the ‘Best Memorial’ award for submitting the best written submission of the competition. For excelling in the researchers’ test held on 5th August 2023, Nurnahar Akter Sathi earned the badge of the ‘Best Researcher’ where two mooters namely S. M. Salman and Farhan Kabir bagged the ‘Best Mooter Award’ for their excellent performance throughout the competition.

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