Just as Bangladesh and many other regions were starting to think the pandemic has simmered down, yet another lockdown was implemented.
With rapid and turbulent changes, our industry leaders at the forefront have had to take on insurmountable challenges on top of their existing lion’s share of responsibilities. Especially women, who have had to hold up the fort at home too after wrapping things up at work.
The April cover story: “WIL Fest 2021: Celebrating Women Of Bangladesh: Voice. Vision. Vivid” sheds light on the constant struggles women juggle on the daily that most often go unnoticed while celebrating the resilient, valiant, and forward-thinking women of Bangladesh. It also contains our regular segments of Harvard Business Review and Nielsen Insights.
The issue also features topics such as the potential of the video gaming industry of Bangladesh, delving into the ever-changing customer funnel, opportunities of reaching dispersed workforce, delivering on consumer demands, and so on.
Enjoy the read!
We wish you all a safe and happy Eid!