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Women In Leadership Publication | 7th Edition

Recently, one of my performance (Intersection at Shohornama) images has gone viral. Without knowing the actual context people started judging my attire and appearance. Performance art is an art genre where artist use space, time and their body to create a discourse of contextualizing the subject. Tons of people in Bangladesh have been making trolls of that image which just reveals how non-diverse our society and people can be. This particular incident questions the knowledge of our society and its people. In order to go the ‘next level’, I believe, the practice of creative diversity is a must. Women are always creative and diverse in their thought process. But as we always try and control their inherent process of creativity they can’t flourish even in utmost creative environment. That viral image of my performance actually inspired me more to go with more creativity in whatever I do. Because such a society cannot think of strong leadership whereas versatile leadership in the most important element for any developing society.

Nowadays, the use of social networking sites has increased, yet enlightenment seems to be decreasing. Education on creativity diversity, apparently, seems to be at stake. That IS why leadership is rarely perceived in our society. I believe art has no confirmation, rather it deals with possibilities. I always want to try possibilities more than anything. I don’t want to be the ‘prisoner of any idea’. WIL is certainly a leadership platform. My initiatives, like my artworks and performances, express the power of freedom, choice and liberation. For a society like Bangladesh, we are yet to achieve the freedom of choice. Still in current context of the world, we are suffering from identity crisis and fundamental issues. Art, along with diverse leadership, always plays a vital role to express these social issues. We need more and more initiatives where we can make a platform strongly to engage creativity, diversity, and leadership. Leadership needs freedom, democratic and gender balance environment. Without incorporating diversity in professional fields, this balance will not be achievable.

However, it is inspiring that women in Bangladesh are moving forward in leadership positions. But our socio-political scenario is still not suitable for women. It does not give women the full freedom to practice strategical sustainable co-existence. Unless and until we create a bold strategy in education system to give equal rights to women, it will never be achieved. Mle understand the urgency of women leadership but it has to be very dynamic, independent and diverse. This issue of WIL wishes all women to be a part of this journey of creative leadership progress. Celebrate each day as International Women’s Day!

Nazia Andaleeb Preema
Editor, WIL Publication
President, Women in Leadership


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