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Shaping the Future through Ideas Worth Spreading

November 4th, 2023, commenced one of the biggest TEDx events in Bangladesh hosted by TEDx Gulshan, an independently organised event officially licensed by TED. TEDxGulshan 2023 took place at the Aloki Convention Center and captivated hundreds of audiences from Bangladesh and Beyond. This year, TEDxGulshan delved into the theme of “Innovation for Equality”, featuring a day of thought-provoking talks from a diverse group of 14 speakers who are leaders in their respective fields.

In January 2020, TEDxGulshan made a remarkable debut just before the global pandemic reshaped our lives. At that time, it attracted over 1000 attendees. As we reflect on the program, we see that it has successfully returned, aiming to surpass its past successes. From business leaders to social innovators, musicians to activists, this year’s speakers took the stage, inspiring the audience with their unique perspectives and insights. Attendees enjoyed more than just talks; two captivating musical performances have also made the experience unforgettable.

Empowering Women in the Public Sector: Breaking Barriers, Changing Nation

Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury

How do women overcome the familial and surrounding barriers they face while building careers in the public sector? Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, the esteemed Speaker of the National Parliament, captivated the audience with keen perspectives during her TEDx talk. With unwavering family support, including a husband who cared for their daughter during her PhD pursuit, she emphasised the delicate balance women face in managing both family and career. Her inspiring journey, influenced by the ideals of Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, showcased the transformative power of women breaking through societal constraints, paving the way for innovation and equality in the public sector.

Turning Dreams into Degrees

Rubana Huq

“Let me share the story of a few incredible women who neither fear their wings being melted nor clipped while they soar to the skies. Needless to add, they have had extremely challenging lives.”- Rubana Huq, Vice Chancellor of Asian University For Women, and a voice for female leadership, shines a spotlight on the remarkable journeys of women like Sadeka, Sharmin, and Mou, who defied the odds and transformed their lives through education and determination. These women, once quality inspectors in Bangladesh’s garment sector, have now graduated as trailblazing scholars with dreams of not just finding employment but also empowering more women by establishing their own businesses. As they venture into the world of entrepreneurship, we eagerly await which financial institutions and brands will rally behind them and how swiftly society will embrace and endorse these inspiring women, propelling them toward a brighter and more equitable future. Fingers crossed for their continued success and the transformative power of their dreams turned into degrees.

Unleashing the Power of Narrative and Storytelling

Ankita Bakshi

The Content Strategist of BBC StoryWorks, Ankita Bakshi’s captivating talk at TEDxGulshan 2023 is a revelation in the world of storytelling and innovation. With a decade of experience in the field, she passionately conveyed the transformative potential of stories and reminded us that storytelling is not limited to childhood bedtime tales; it’s a dynamic force that shapes our adult lives, ignites emotions, and drives change. As we journeyed through her narrative, it became clear that the power of storytelling extends beyond entertainment—it’s a tool for connection, education, and inspiration. Bakshi’s call to action encourages us to embrace our inner storytellers, share our experiences with the world, and, in the digital age, ensure that our stories are unforgettable.

Social Media Driving Social Change

Md. Abdul Quayyum

Md. Abdul Quayyum’s powerful talk exemplified the transformative potential of digital platforms in addressing pressing global issues. “Social media has given a voice to the voiceless, allowing marginalised communities to share their stories with the world’, he shared. From a personal journey of conquering the fear of public speaking to a compelling call for collective action, Abdul Quayyum’s narrative was an inspiring testament to the role of social media in sparking positive change. The remarkable story of Jabbar Boyati, a fisherman from a vulnerable coastal region, underscored the profound impact of social media in bringing unheard voices to the global stage, particularly in the context of climate change. His call for action was not just aimed at world leaders but at every individual to use their online presence to make a tangible difference. In a world where digital connectivity is ubiquitous, his message serves as an inspiring call to use social media as a driving force for positive change.

Rising from the Fall: Lessons in Resilience and Triumph

Imtiaz Ilahi

“My journey from my fall to the Ironman finish line has taught me that with unwavering determination, there are no limits to what we can achieve”, shared Imtiaz Ilahi, Former Army Commando and triathlete, during his TEDxGulshan talk. He went from a serious injury that left him partially paralysed to becoming an Ironman finisher. It’s a tale of strong willpower, proving that challenges can be overcome. Imtiaz Ilahi’s message is simple: no matter what life throws at you, determination can lead to incredible achievements. His story is a shining example of how the journey towards a goal is as important as the goal itself, inspiring us all to push through difficulties.

Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: Empowering Citizens in a Digital Age

Abul Kalam Azad

In his remarkable TEDxGulshan 2023 talk, Abul Kalam Azad, the former Principal Secretary of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Co-Chair of Smart Bangladesh Network, illuminated the path of innovation in public service delivery. Under the captivating theme of “Innovation for Equality,” He showcased real-world transformations, proving that innovation is not just a buzzword but a way of life. He shared, “Innovation thrives on embracing mistakes,” highlighting the importance of experimentation and learning from failure. His dedication to a smarter Bangladesh reflects a brighter, more innovative future where citizens and government unite to build a more equitable world.

From Limitation to Innovation

Vashkar Bhattacharjee

At TEDxGulshan 2023, Vashkar Bhattacharjee’s captivating speech exemplified an extraordinary journey of overcoming the limitations of his disabilities. “My journey is not just about me; it is about breaking down the barriers that limit individuals with disabilities. My daughter, too, is learning that differences should be celebrated, not seen as limitations.” Even though he couldn’t see well, he never gave up. He constructed special books and dictionaries that helped uncountable students with disabilities. His work changed many lives for the better. Bhattacharjee’s message is simple: disabilities shouldn’t stop anyone from achieving their dreams. He wants a world where everyone can be innovative, no matter what. His story shows that with determination, we can turn challenges into opportunities and make the world more inclusive.

Unveiling the Bangladeshi Identity to the World with the Power of Music

Abeer Rajbeen

In an electrifying talk at TEDxGulshan 2023, Abeer Rajbeen, the Head of Marketing at The Coca-Cola Company, Bangladesh, opened our eyes to the transformative power of music in revealing the true essence of Bangladesh to the world. Through the famous line “Baro Mashe Baro Ful Re Fuiitte thake daale,” she demonstrated how traditional Bangladeshi music is gaining newfound popularity, not only in urban areas but also globally. Coke Studio Bangla has introduced Bangladeshi music as a cultural time capsule, preserving the nation’s heritage. This musical journey is captivating audiences worldwide and helping Bangladesh establish its unique global identity. As Rajbeen eloquently put it, “Becoming hyperlocal is helping us with our global identity, presenting our unique stories, and embracing our sound.”

Digital Equality in the Era of AI

Dr. Syed Muntasir Mamun

Dr. Syed Muntasir Mamun’s TEDxGulshan 2023 speech sheds light on the transformative impact of artificial intelligence. He emphasised the inevitability of AI’s profound influence on our lives, from jobs to dreams. With a focus on equality, he highlighted the existing disparities in our world and how AI could potentially exacerbate them. He presented a vision of harnessing AI to bridge these gaps, ensuring that technological access and opportunities are available to all, transcending historical legacies and latent needs. His message is clear: Embrace the change and join the journey toward digital equality and innovate for the benefit of all humanity.

From Being Bullied to Culinary Stardom: My Journey of Resilience

Iftekhar Rafsan

Iftekhar Rafsan’s TEDxGulshan 2023 speech was a powerful tale of transformation. Despite battling social anxiety and facing bullying in his younger days, Rafsan discovered his passion for creating YouTube videos. He shared the valuable lesson of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, emphasising that the fear of judgment shouldn’t hold anyone back. Rafsan reminds us that the “what ifs” can be far more tormenting than trying and failing. His story serves as a testament to the magic that lies beyond our fears and anxieties. He concludes with the message that embracing these challenges leads to freedom and personal growth, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. As he said, “We all are looking for magic, and the magic is in the things we are avoiding, so run towards it.”

Being a Voice for the Unheard Communities

Kebria Sarkar

In an emotionally charged narrative at TEDxGulshan 2023, Kebria Sarkar, the esteemed RJ and creator of “Apan Thikana,” shared a remarkable journey from frustration to fulfilment. Rising from a lower-middle-class village, Kebria’s unexpected transition to media, fueled by his vocal prowess, brought unexpected peace. The magic unfolded when his show became a beacon for lost children, reuniting 330 with their families in 3.5 years. The transformative impact reached a 101-year-old mother and her 64-year-old son, emphasising his profound influence. In “Being a Voice for the Unheard Communities,” Kebria Sarkar’s journey epitomised innovation, proving that a single voice can echo far beyond the airwaves, uniting families and bringing immeasurable peace.

Four Lessons on HEALing

Moutushi Kabir

Moutushi Kabir’s impactful speech at TEDxGulshan 2023 highlighted three powerful stories of HEALing that expose the harsh realities faced by young girls in Nepal, Uganda, and Bangladesh, all robbed of their childhoods. Drawing from her privileged background and transition from the corporate world to the development sector, she imparted four essential lessons encapsulated in the acronym “HEALing”: Humility, Empathy, Action focus, and Learning & unlearning. These lessons served as a guiding compass for her personal journey of becoming more humble, empathetic, and action-oriented. As she eloquently expressed in her talk, the hope is that someday, the TED talks on equality won’t be needed because the world has achieved true equality.

Fly High – Impacting Communities and Society

Praveena Yagnambhat

Praveena Yagnambhat’s TEDxGulshan 2023 talk revolves around the concept of giving. She shared her journey from personal acts of kindness to her role in corporate community engagement. Her lessons highlight the importance of heartfelt initiatives, solving real community problems, trusting capable partners, and recognising team efforts. She emphasised the power of continuous improvement and the significance of visiting project sites. Her message is simple: “Do a little extra each day, and it adds up to something big.” Praveena Yagnambhat’s speech inspires action and makes a positive impact on communities.

The Curious Case of Adhkhana Chele আধখানা ছেলে

Shayan Chowdhury Arnob

Shayan Chowdhury Arnob’s intriguing journey reflects the profound concept of duality in his life. His parents came from different religions. He loved both music and karate, and he enjoyed cultural stories and action movies. His life was divided between Bangladesh and India. He’s seen both simple times and the tech age and his curiosity drove him to make great music with basic tools. When he felt really down, he learned that connecting with people is his strength. He wants to create a space for people to grow and shine, just like the talented kids he met in Shantiniketan, a place that inspired him. They showed him the boundless talent that kids can have, and it pushed him to provide the right environment for everyone to be their best.

The celebration of innovation for equality left indelible imprints. Ankita Bakshi illuminated the dynamic force of storytelling. Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury’s journey broke barriers for women, Kebria Sarkar’s voice became a beacon of hope for the unheard. Each Speaker had not just delivered talks; they had woven abundant threads of human experiences, each thread contributing to a narrative of hope, inspiration, and the potential for change. As attendees reflected on the diverse stories and powerful messages shared throughout the day, a common thread emerged – the theme of resilience, transformation, and the relentless pursuit of equality. And with every next endeavour, TEDxGulshan looks forward to shaping communities that promote equality, empower the unheard, and foster impartial positive changes.

The invaluable support of the sponsors and the partners eminently added to the triumph of TEDxGulshan 2023. The substantiating support from The Coca-Cola Company Bangladesh as the acclaimed Gold Sponsor; Prime Bank Ltd., Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. and Dan Foods Ltd. as the esteemed Silver sponsor and Polar Ice Cream as Ice Cream Partner facilitated the quintessence of an unexampled TEDx event in the region.

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