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AIUB Faculty of Engineering Participated in the Day-Long Training at Safety Academy, Samsung C & T Corporation

108 students and 7 teachers from the Department of EEE, CoE & IPE, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB attended day-long training session in 4 different batches at the Safety Academy, Samsung C & T Corporation. The training aimed to enhance participants’ awareness and knowledge of workplace safety practices.

The training took place at the Safety Academy, located at Ashkona, Choto Bot Tala, Female Anser Camp. Commencing at 10:00 AM., the training session began with a concise presentation introducing the academy and outlining various safety training programs. Following this, the significance of health and safety was elucidated, emphasizing the immense benefits of safety training in maintaining workplace safety. During the training session, participants were taken to different experience rooms, namely Basic and Electrical Safety, Falls and Enclosures, and Fire Safety. Each experience room provided hands-on exposure to potential workplace hazards and comprehensive guidance on mitigation strategies. After lunch, practical demonstrations of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) techniques were conducted, emphasizing correct hand placement, compression depth, and the ratio of compressions to rescue breaths. Participants were given opportunities to practice CPR on mannequins to ensure they understood and could perform the technique effectively. The training concluded with the distribution of certificates to all participants at 4:00 PM. Prof. Dr. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan (Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB), Md. Ashiquzzaman (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB),  Abu Shufian (Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB), Dr. Mohammad Tawhidul Alam (Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB), Dr. Tanbir Ibne Anowar (Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB), Dr. Shuvra Mondal (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB), Tamim Hossain (Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB) attended safety training with different batches on August 2023.

AIUB would like to extend its sincere appreciation to Samsung C & T Corporation for offering this excellent training opportunity and for their gracious hospitality.

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