The June issue of BBF Monthly comprehends the timely and sensitive issue of women in leadership for the cover story. ‘WIL Table Talk’, an initiative of Women in Leadership moderated by President Nazia Andaleeb Preema, brought about 5 significant topics essential for women to thrive in the workplace and personal lives. We have chalked down the discussion presented by WIL’s reputed ambassadors for the readers.
Additionally, the issue has put significant importance on Bangladesh’s prospect of joining BRICS for economic growth and profound diplomatic ties. Further, this issue captures Bangladesh’s incredible contribution to South Asia’s IT industry and afterwards. We have also analysed Boston Consulting Group’s groundbreaking report on Bangladesh’s unique possibilities to become a Trillion Dollar Economy.
Later, keeping the profound impact of emerging AI and digital scape in mind, we featured an article on digital storytelling for effective marketing and the prospect of investment in AI. Additionally, an article on product design grabs our attention on how functionality rather than designs fulfil our anticipated utilities from a product.
The overall topics and the articles were selected and written keeping diverse issues and angles, which are expected to provide knowledge and learning as well as keep a reader aware and updated.
The publication cover was designed by the country’s most prolific visual artist Ms. Nazia Andaleeb Preema, Director & Creative Editor, Bangladesh Brand Forum.