Registration is now open for the 3rd Bangladesh Business Innovation Summit

The global community could hardly imagine the currently turbulent progress largely defined by the technological revolution only 100 years ago. However, by this time, Bangladesh is no stranger to this…

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Submission Deadline Extended For Bangladesh Innovation Award 2022

Submission deadline for the 4th Bangladesh Innovation Award has been extended till 31st January, 2022.  Innovation continues to be one of the key drivers in the digital age and technology.…

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Grameenphone unveils Telenor’s “Tech Trends” for 2022

Telenor Group’s scientific research unit “Telenor Research” has unveiled the seventh edition of “Tech Trends,” highlighting how technology and digitalization can enable a green transformation which they believe will define…

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Banglalink launches Gamers’ Den to support gamers and game enthusiasts

Banglalink, one of the leading digital service providers in the country, has recently launched Gamers' Den, an exclusive platform for game-related contents, on its self-care app MyBL. Mobile gaming is…

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