You are currently viewing DARAZ EMPHASIZING ON THE DREAM OF ‘SHOPPING ODYSSEY‘ WITH A BOX OF INFINITE POSSIBILITIES – In conversation with Md. Tajdin Hassan, CMO, DARAZ Bangladesh


What was the core approach behind the rebranding of Daraz?

The number of online customers is increasing in Bangladesh with each passing day. After the pandemic hit the world as well as Bangladesh, changed consumer behavior has spurred growth in the country’s e-commerce sector. With more and more online customers out there in the market, there has been a meteoric growth of e-commerce platforms and the industry in a greater sense.

An increased number of e-commerce platforms also symbolize increasing competition. Very naturally, when the competition is tight, the brands have to resort to more aggressive marketing and branding strategies to stay afloat and keep the growth momentum steady. This is where the role of rebranding comes in.

Rebranding, to put it in plain words, is a marketing strategy in which a particular brand is given a new persona by bringing some changes in the name, design, concept, or strategies to develop a new identity to be imprinted in the minds of the consumers, investors, competitors, and other stakeholders.

It has always been a very effective method for companies and business entities to rejig their position in the market and create a fresh look and impression among the potential customers and partners. When a brand goes for it, it helps them to address changing consumer needs through the adoption of new strategies. It is also an efficacious way of communicating brand values to target consumers and helping them explore the same brand in a new way.

Some companies may choose this option while being in crisis, while others may go for it in their heyday because the prime target remains unchanged – creating a refreshed impression among the customers.

How are the customers responding to the change?

It’s always interesting to see the mixed response whenever a brand goes through a rebranding process. Today, while Daraz went through a global rebranding, we have received similar mixed responses from all parts of the globe. Let me take you through our part of the story; what we at Daraz are thinking of the entire evolution.

Daraz has grown so much over the past seven years and as we move into the next chapter of our journey, now is the right time for us to evolve the brand to showcase how we are shifting gears as a business to drive a significantly enhanced customer experience. One of the main drivers to refresh the brand is Daraz’s ambition to make e-commerce a key part of people’s daily lives across its five markets in South Asia – Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar. That being said, the new brand look still represents the elements that have always been part of our DNA – progress, innovation, exploration, and discovery. At the same time, it signifies a shift to a more personal experience that will allow us to create greater connectivity between buyers and sellers on our platform.

Please share the core philosophy and the story behind the refreshed Daraz branding?

A key change is the new icon, which represents a package that is symbolic of how the e-commerce platform physically connects SME sellers to customers. At the center of the icon is an arrow that highlights the focus on progress and fast deliveries, but also resembles a “play button” symbolizing how Daraz is continually innovating to create a more dynamic content experience for users. As part of the new brand look, Daraz is also consolidating all of its brands under the overall Daraz umbrella-brand to simplify the experience for customers. Daraz has also launched a new website,, that showcases the new brand and gives people a better understanding of who Daraz is and what it stands for.

Can you please take us through the process behind the revamping?

The logo revealed today has a story of a yearlong hard-work and tenacity of multiple visionaries. In order to build this single most important visual element more contemporary, young, and dynamic, the creative agency, Design Studio undertook thorough user research to better understand customer and seller needs – and push forward a brand identity that resonates with expectations. The design journey started out with multiple roots and was finalized after months of meetings, discussions, brainstorming sessions, and numerous drafts. In the end, to emphasize the dream of ‘shopping odyssey‘ and to promote the idea of ‘a box of infinite possibilities’ a final outlook was decided. Previously, the Design studio worked on big brands logos such as Airbnb, OLX, Panasonic, Deliveroo, and Tencent Games.

New Daraz comes with the promise of a shopping experience that is unlike ever before. Welcome to a new era of E-commerce where Daraz is an exciting new part of your daily life. Let the shopping odyssey begin!

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