You are currently viewing EARTH DAY 2021: RESTORING OUR EARTH



Before the discussion starts, let’s have a writer to reader chit-chat. You probably like reading and thus, you’ve been drawn toward this article. Right off the bat, you’re most definitely reading this write-up on an electronic device, and you can bet the same has been the case for writing this piece too. Life has been made so easy by these electronic devices, hasn’t it? But at what cost though? All this industrialization, technological advancements and everything being just a click away must have had its toll on something! Well, we have been granted this contemporary lifestyle at the cost of our very beloved planet, Earth. However, if we don’t take care of this planet as much as we should, things may go haywire faster than we think and this “development” will not exist for a sustained period of time.

The idea of Earth Day focuses on the protection of the planet, its environment, and the ecosystems of various organisms. It is an annual event held every year on 22nd April. It was started first in 1970 and by now they have included a wide range of events arranged globally by including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries. The theme of Earth Day in 2021 emphasizes natural processes, focuses the spotlight on upcoming green technologies, and promotes an innovative thinking process that can restore the ecosystems around the world.


Imagine you run a factory. Your desired production objective is to produce 200 units of product per day. However, reality differs from expectations and your output is 150 units. What do you do here? You cannot simply keep things going as they are and expect any improvements in the future. The same recipe will not lead to a different outcome. It is obvious that a change needs to be brought about in order to hope for better results. Either you opt to hire more people or provide existing workers with training sessions to facilitate better efficiency, or simply recruit better personnel and install better equipment. Maybe instead of just destroying old equipment or sending them to a junkyard, you even auction it off with grays or such companies, so that machinery is better used by those who need it. Sustainability, right? The same can be said about the planet. Since the emergence of industrialization, the overall health of the planet has been deteriorating and something must be done about it, as soon as possible, with a long-term vision to receive sustained benefits in the future.

Climate change has been alarming for quite a long time now and is a major threat that lies ahead of us. It will be one of mankind’s toughest quests to overturn the effects of climate change and stop global warming. However, with a dedicated mindset, unity, and a broader understanding of the issue, it is not impossible to do so. Yet, that depends on if we wish to act on it right now. Deadly pandemics, species loss, climate change and huge natural calamities may shape the future unless we choose to do something about it. Large-scale changes must be brought about in a number of ways from several different aspects regardless of how big or small they may seem. Remember, all these tiny little changes add up to substantial results in the longer run.


However, we cannot just talk about saving the planet and think the purpose is served. We need certain action plans, a set of prolonged actions that are expected to bring about desired results over time- kind of like a blueprint to success. First of all, the focal point of our attention should be COP-26. The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties brings world leaders under one roof (maybe not so during Covid-19 period) to discuss the major threats and issues surrounding climate change. The COP-26 is said to take place at Glasgow, London in November. The COP26 comes in at a significant point in time as it marks six years since the adoption of the Paris Agreement by 196 parties. The idea of the agreement is to urge countries to suppress carbon emissions, keeping global warming at a projected target of less than two degrees Celsius above the levels prior to industrialization. In 2021’s meeting, the nations are going to present their action plans for the climate, also called nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that will help achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Another important aspect of fighting climate change is to make people aware of its existence, emphasizing how it is a major threat to the world and what can be done about it. The formation of a climate-literate population will generate more jobs, help establish a green consumer market and enable citizens to meaningfully interact with their governments in order to restore the planet. As per a recent paper in PNAs, climate education has been enlisted by scientists as one of the six societal transformations needed to balance the Earth’s climate. As of now, only a handful of nations offer climate change as an educational topic in school, while even fewer countries require adding and applying among various disciplines. Thus, activists around the world are working toward a global education system where climate education is made compulsory.

A third step in preventing the disasters brewing from climate change is to conserve our species and stop them from going extinct. Research proves that species have been going extinct at a rate greater than ever seen in sixty million years! One of the notable ones among these species are corals. A 2021 study led by the University of Los Angeles revealed that due to an increase in ocean acidification as well as a rise in ocean temperature reef-building corals have been harmed. If things carry on like this coral bleaching rates will go up, which is the migration of species to a different habitat and even death. It is mandatory to give importance to how much coral reefs serve in the wellbeing of our ecosystems and ensures human protection. But thanks to top-down efforts at restoration combined with grassroots stewardship still gives us hope of saving the corals as well as numerous other species.

And lastly, the concept of regenerative agriculture is something that can never be stressed enough. But before we jump into that, do you have any idea about how your food is grown? Did you know that the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers by industrial farms in growing and harvesting food eliminates the nutritional value of soil? Alongside reducing soil’s organic matter, this also lowers the soil’s resilience to climate change. This is where the idea of regenerative agriculture kicks in. Regenerative agriculture uses processes like cover crops, livestock integration and no-till agriculture to enhance soil health. In comparison to industrial agriculture, regenerative agriculture also takes in more carbon from the atmosphere which further assists in neutralizing the effects of climate change. As a result, big food companies are preparing to make large-scale long-term investments into regenerative agriculture, adopting and implementing it across their supply chains. It is important to speak to farmers about this so they can act accordingly and change their farming techniques to better suit new agricultural practices, this may mean a change of machinery and equipment to be better for the environment. If this is the case, then to find parts for what they need, they may go onto websites like Costex and others like it, as this will provide for them as they make a change.


Although this is a once-in-a-century thing, the emergence of COVID-19 has caused the production of enormous amounts of PPE, plastic masks, and gloves in order to prevent the contagion of the deadly virus. Masks and gloves have almost become a common item in our daily lives. But ever wondered where all this plastic is being disposed? Approximately 1.56 billion out of the 52 billion masks produced in 2020 were thrown into the oceans. Plastic pollution is responsible for the deaths of 100,000 marine mammals and turtles, more than a million seabirds, and even more fish every year. Furthermore, it heavily impacts the lives of coastal communities and their economies that are dependent on the oceans for survival. Although the majority are yet not considering the usage of biodegradable materials in the production of PPE, there are still several ways in which the damage can be controlled.

Our ignorance and the lack of eco-friendly practices have led our planet to this day. Thousands of species are on the verge of extinction while others already ceased to exist. Global warming is on the rise and massive soil erosions and floods are causing the deaths of many. If immediate measures are not taken to work toward a green, eco-friendly and sustainable future, consisting of biodegradable products, regenerative agriculture, species conservation, and a climate-literate citizenry, the adverse effects of climate change may lead to the end of humanity. Resilience, unity, immediate action, and our love for this planet will shape the way ahead for us. Yes, the challenge is big, but throughout its history mankind has proven that they are capable of facing anything head-on and make a difference. After all, survival for the fittest and humans are at the top of the food chain for a reason. With hard work, consistency, and good intentions, we can make this happen!

By Farhat Chowdhury

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