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Futureproofing Education: How Education Institutes Can Prepare Students for Gender-Friendly Workspaces?

Workspaces in the present era are dynamic and somewhat austere, demanding a proper blend of diligence and talent within the workspace, irrespective of gender.

The foundation of a respectful and healthy mentality has to be set from a very early age. In the case of workspace competence, special attention should be paid to students from 8th to 12th grade because this is the pivotal stage where career aspirations start shaping. To truly unlock their potential, we must ensure that our education system equips students with the skills and perspectives needed to thrive in the modern workplace, along with the crucial aspect of gender inclusivity.

Effective Steps Towards Ensuring a Gender-friendly Education System

Gender-inclusive curriculum:

In our country, almost all schools that follow the NCTB curriculum offer Home Science as an optional subject for female students. This further perpetuates the stereotype that household chores are only to be done by women. Home Science teaches some of the most important life skills necessary for all, irrespective of gender. Besides, revisiting textbooks and teaching materials to identify and address gender biases, highlighting female historical figures along with males, integrating discussions on unconscious bias into lessons, and encouraging critical thinking about traditional gender roles and their impact on career choices can prove to be very effective.

Awareness about gender bias:

Gender bias takes numerous forms and manifests in various ways that perpetuate inequality and reinforce harmful stereotypes. By examining these different manifestations, we can identify the subtle ways in which bias infiltrates our lives. It is a very common phenomenon in our country, which often denies female students the right to essential space for physical activity, socialisation, and recreation. This can lead to a sense of exclusion, decreased physical fitness, and limited opportunities for social interaction among female students.

The prevailing problems regarding gender biases must be addressed and reformed because these very students will be in charge of various workplaces in the future. To do so, the authorities can encourage student-led initiatives that promote gender equality to spread awareness through partnering up with NGOs, arranging seminars with prominent personalities with refined mindsets, arranging equal facilities for extra-curricular activities irrespective of gender, etc. The teachers and respective authorities should make proper provisions to support these initiatives.

Teachers’ recruitment and training:

It is extremely important to arrange progressive and skilled training for teachers to ensure that the children are enlightened and educated on basic morality, gender equality and sensitivity, and teamwork, besides academics. The training procedure should include training on unconscious bias and inclusive teaching practices. This will equip the teachers to effectively address gender-based issues in the classroom and create a supportive learning environment for all students. Teachers shape the mental framework of students, so it is cardinal that the teachers are non-problematic and refined in mentality and nature. Actions should be taken against discriminatory remarks and actions, and the stances of potential teachers could be checked through viva examinations before recruiting them.

But how do we develop skills essential for gender-friendly workspaces among students?

Communication and Conflict Resolution- Equip students with strong communication skills that enable them to express themselves assertively, listen actively, and engage in respectful dialogue with colleagues of every gender. Conflict resolution skills are essential for dealing with potentially challenging circumstances in the workplace.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving- Students should be taught to think critically about gender dynamics at play in various professional settings. Case studies and simulations that present real-world scenarios involving gender bias or discrimination can develop their problem-solving skills.

Leadership and Collaboration- Collaborative learning activities and group projects provide opportunities for students to develop teamwork and leadership skills, empathy, inclusivity in decision-making processes, and appreciation for diverse perspectives.

Incorporating all these teachings into the school curriculum, especially from grades 8 to 12, can be very effective in building a generation that values equality, respects diversity, and has the skills to navigate modern professional settings with confidence. Institutions need to prioritise this transformation in order to unlock the full potential of our young minds, regardless of gender.

Author: Tasfia Tahiat Umme

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