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IEEE AIUB Student Branch Organized Members’ Orientation 2023

IEEE AIUB Student Branch successfully organized the “Members’ Orientation 2023”. The event was held with the intention of helping new members become familiar with IEEE and strengthening their dedication to the IEEE Community. The event highlighted numerous benefits and the importance of being affiliated with IEEE. It also introduced the executive committee members of 2023 and explained the important roles they will take on.

The event was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch. He welcomed the members warmly and provided a brief overview of IEEE along with its advantages, emphasizing how they could make the most of these benefits. Dr. Md. Saniat Rahman Zishan, Director, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch, engaged with the session by sharing his personal experience with the IEEE AIUB Student Branch while encouraging the new members to be more involved with the organization and get into volunteering. Subsequently, Nafiz Ahmed Chisty, Associate Professor & Head, Department of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Advisor; IEEE AIUB Student Branch provided his own remarks by sharing his experience with IEEE and appreciated the student branch and ExCom members for their contribution. Afterwards, Chowdhury Akram Hossain, Head, Department of CoE, Faculty of Engineering, Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch continued the session. He reminisced about his own journey with IEEE and the IEEE AIUB Student Branch, highlighting the significant experiences and opportunities he gained from IEEE. The following session was continued by Dr. Mohammad Hasan Imam, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Advisor, IEEE EMBS AIUB SB Chapter; Counselor (2022), IEEE AIUB Student Branch; who provided a brief remark for the event.

Following a brief intermission, former members of the Executive Committee were invited to the stage. They shared their own experiences from their time serving in the IEEE AIUB Student Branch. After their speech, the advisors of the IEEE AIUB Student Branch revealed the newly appointed Executive Committee of 2023. This was followed by a cultural performance by the AIUB Performing Arts Club (APAC). Afterward, Dr. Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Head, Graduate Program, Department of EEE, AIUB; he shared his perspectives and experiences. The event concluded with a speech from the newly appointed counselor of 2023, Dr. Shameem Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, AIUB. He shared his experience and insights and thanked all the members for joining the session. Distinguished faculty members Dr. Rifat Hazari, Senior Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; Abir Ahmed, Assistant Professor & Special Assistant, Department of EEE, AIUB and Md. Shahariar Parvez, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB; were also present at the event.The event started at 4:05 PM and concluded at 6:40 PM. A total of 125+ participants attended the event.

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