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Savlon introduces ‘Savlon Shurokkha’ service for the first time in Bangladesh

Across the country, a huge number of institutions including businesses & educational Institutions have hit a hurdle due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Moreover, spread of the virus is also increasing due to lack of maintaining proper health & hygiene standard in many institutions. To ensure safety of people in this moment of crisis, the no. 1 Antiseptic Brand of Bangladesh, Savlon is introducing a new health, hygiene & wellbeing solution named ‘Savlon Shurokkha’

On this occasion, a press conference was held on Wednesday, 22nd July, 2020 at ACI Center, 245, Tejgaon Industrial Area. Mr. Syed Alamgir, Managing Director of ACI Consumer Brands was present there along with Business Director Mr. Md. Quamrul Hassan and Business Manager Mr. Zaman Asif Ahmad. Mr. Imam Ahmed Istiak, Director of Operations, ACI Pharmaceuticals and Mr. A.B.M. Mahfuz Ul Alam, Director, Quality Operations, ACI Healthcare Ltd. were also present in the conference.

Under this service, a team of skilled staff will conduct inspections in institutions to ensure maximum safety in order to prevent coronavirus. This service will also provide consultancy, health and hygiene related training, decontamination & certification facilities which will ensure long-term protection of an institution.  A specialized team comprising expert virologists & microbiologists will work alongside this team.

As a result of this service, the overall scenario of coronavirus risk will be assessed properly. After inspection, a ‘Savlon Shurokkha’ report will be provided by the team which will guide the institutions to follow specific procedures to ensure minimum exposure to coronavirus. Employees of the institutions will also be trained on corona prevention which will make their daily life much safer. This will play a vital role for the institutions to resume their regular operations. ACI believes that this will pivot the country’s economy toward a positive direction.

Mr. Syed Alamgir, Managing Director of ACI Consumer Brands said in his statement, “The world has faced numerous pandemics in the past. But I believe, however fierce the nature of the pandemic is, we will overcome it like every other times. Numerous institutions are at financial risk now due to covid-19. But I think they can ensure profitability if they can survive during these tough times. But for that, complete healthcare protection is a must.

Since the start of covid-19 pandemic, Savlon has been working to prevent it by supplying different health and hygiene products. The brand has been working for a long time to ensure the health & hygiene safety of the people of Bangladesh. Savlon dreams of a healthy, strong & germ-free Bangladesh. We have come up with Savlon Shurokkha service out of that responsibility we feel towards this country. With the help of this service, any institution can ensure safety of their employees. Closed institutions can resume their regular operations & currently operating institutions can ensure safety for themselves. I also hope this service will play a vital role to increase productivity of employees.”

‘Savlon Shurokkha’ service can be availed through a hotline number 16509 and facebook pages-Savlon Shurokkha & Savlon Bangladesh.

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