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Seminar on ICT Awareness and Cybersecurity

In the realm of digital engagement and secure communication, a seminar of considerable significance transpired on the 21st of June, 2023. Organized through a collaborative endeavor between the Information Systems and Professional Advancement of Bangladesh (ISPAB), the Bangladesh Computer Society (bpc), and the esteemed AIUB Computer Club (ACC), the seminar bore the title “ICT Awareness and Cyber Security.” The distinguished occasion was graced by the presence of Mohammad A Kayum Rashed, Joint Secretary General of ISPAB, who assumed the role of presiding authority.


The central tenet driving the seminar was the propagation of pioneering insights and erudition emanating from cybersecurity luminaries, all in service of safeguarding the nuanced intricacies of digital interactions within the contemporary landscape. The seminar, which convened within the august ambiance of the Multipurpose Hall of Annex 7, commenced promptly at 12:30 PM.

The inaugural discourse of the seminar was delivered by Md. Hafijur Rahman, a distinguished Technology Analyst affiliated with a2i. Rahman astutely delineated a2i’s visionary blueprint known as the Digital Bangladesh Agenda, expounding upon the conceptual framework of the National Portal and expatiating upon the government’s imperatives to fortify extant digital services while proliferating new ones to serve the collective welfare within Bangladesh. Furthermore, Rahman expounded upon the construct of a “Smart Bangladesh” and proffered an aspirational vista extending unto the year 2041. Noteworthy within his presentation was the rigorous explication of the triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability – focal precepts within the lexicon of security audits and the broader security posture. Network security, an enterprise encompassing domains like cloud security and threat mitigation, was diligently examined. Additionally, Rahman apprised the audience of ubiquitous cyber-menaces, such as phishing, malware incursions, and the artifice of social engineering. Capping his discourse, Rahman imparted pragmatic stratagems designed to navigate the terrain of cyberspace with circumspect resilience.

Following Rahman’s discourse, the floor was yielded to Dr. Debajyoti Karmaker, an accomplished Associate Professor specializing in Computer Science at AIUB. Dr. Karmaker’s exposé revolved around the integration of cutting-edge technological paradigms – including computer vision, feature extraction, deep learning, and neural networks – within the ambit of network and cybersecurity. Substantiating his discourse with illustrative graphical renderings, Dr. Karmaker lucidly underscored the transformative potential of these advancements in bolstering the bulwarks of network and cybersecurity. Concluding his address, Dr. Karmaker expressed his gratitude to the assembly.

Concluding the seminar, Mohammad A Kayum Rashed proffered ruminations on the multifaceted terrain of ICT awareness and cybersecurity, lauding the seminar’s import. He effusively acknowledged ISPAB’s far-reaching initiatives for fomenting awareness across the breadth of Bangladesh. Gratitude was extended to AIUB, bpc, and ISPAB for orchestrating the seminar’s resounding success. Culminating the proceedings, tokens of appreciation in the form of commemorative plaques were tendered to the erudite speakers, and a ceremonial crest was conferred upon the event’s esteemed guest. With an assembly exceeding 300 attendee, the seminar achieved its culmination on a triumphant note, galvanizing a heightened cognizance of the intersection between ICT, cybersecurity, and the inexorable march of the digital epoch.

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