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Towards 2041: Integrating Disability Inclusion into SMART Bangladesh Vision

The SMART Bangladesh Network (SBN), in association with the Equal Bangladesh Campaign, Sightsavers, Aspire to Innovate (a2i), Idea Foundation, and InterContinental Dhaka, hosted a pivotal policy dialogue titled “Empowering Change: Role of a Caucus for Disability Inclusion in SMART Bangladesh.” Held at Hotel InterContinental, Dhaka, the event brought together key stakeholders to discuss the integration of disability inclusion into the national SMART Bangladesh agenda by 2041.

The policy dialogue, “Empowering Change: Role of a Caucus for Disability Inclusion in SMART Bangladesh,” held significant importance as it addressed the critical need for inclusivity in the nation’s ambitious vision for 2041. This event provided a crucial platform for stakeholders from various sectors to discuss and strategise on integrating disability inclusion into national policies and development plans.

The event was attended by 200 participants, including politicians, government officials, representatives from organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), and journalists. The Chief Guest for the event was Md. Abul Kalam Azad, MP. Special Guests included K.M. Abdus Salam, Senior Secretary of the Bangladesh Parliament; Md. Shamsul Arefin, Secretary of the ICT Division; Md. Mokammel Hossain, Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism; and Amrita Rejina Rozario, Country Director of Sightsavers. The event was chaired by Mollah Mizanur Rahman, Joint Project Director at a2i (Joint Secretary).

The event commenced with a registration and tea session, followed by insightful presentations and discussions. Mr. Manik Mahmud, Programme Specialist Innovation at a2i and Executive Member of SMART Bangladesh Network, moderated the session. The agenda included discussions on the challenges and achievements related to disability innovation and the prospects of making SMART Bangladesh inclusive.

Exclusion to Inclusion: A Journey Towards Smart Bangladesh

Vashkar Bhattacharjee’s – National Consultant – Accessibility at a2i- presentation highlighted the progress and challenges in achieving digital inclusion for disabled citizens in Bangladesh. Despite significant strides towards Digital Bangladesh, full inclusion remains a goal. Bhattacharjee emphasised the government’s threefold commitment: political, legal, and global. Politically, the government promises equal rights and digital accessibility; legally, the 2013 Person with Disabilities Rights and Protection Act mandates digital inclusion; globally, Bangladesh aims to meet SDG goals and the UNCRPD standards. The a2i Programme addressed these commitments through digital inclusion, affordability, and awareness initiatives, including providing accessible educational materials and free computers to disabled students. Bhattacharjee stressed the need for implementing national digital accessibility guidelines, removing barriers in various sectors, and shifting from charity-based approaches to fostering genuine inclusivity, aiming to improve Bangladesh’s Disability Index ranking by 2024 significantly.

Zero Digital Divide

Ashfaque Zaman, Co-Founder & CEO of LEAD Academy, discussed the initiative “Zero Digital Divide,” which aims to eliminate the digital gap globally, supported by over 20 countries and prestigious organisations like the UN and top universities. Highlighting the significant achievements in public service innovation in Bangladesh, such as saving citizens’ time and money, Zaman acknowledged that these benefits often exclude marginalised groups. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored this divide, revealing that innovations in education and healthcare primarily benefited more privileged populations. Globally, 2.6 billion people lack internet access, and many services are inaccessible to women and disabled individuals. Zaman stressed the urgency of addressing this issue to prevent the digital divide from becoming a future pandemic. Inspired by Bangladesh’s historical commitment to technology and innovation, he emphasised the need for inclusive, homegrown solutions and cultural transformation to ensure digital equity. The Equality Center for Inclusive Innovation, launched in collaboration with international partners, aims to research and address the digital divide. Zaman called for nationwide and international support to brand Bangladesh as a leader in inclusive technology, aspiring to be a global flag bearer for “Zero Digital Divide,” much like the global efforts for zero carbon emissions.

Samatar Bangladesh Campaign Program

In the third presentation, Nasrin Jahan, Executive Director, Disabled Child Foundation, and Salma Mahbub General Secretary, Bangladesh Society for the Society of Children and Advocacy Nexus discussed the history and current efforts to advocate for the rights of disabled persons in Bangladesh. Nasrin Jahan provided an overview of the CAUCUS, which was established in 2010 under the National Disabled Forum’s supervision to enhance policy advocacy and secure legislative support for disabled individuals, leading to significant achievements like the Rights and Protection of Persons with Disabilities Act 2013. Despite its dissolution in 2018, the need for such a body remains, especially for influencing policies, formulating inclusive agendas, and raising disability issues in parliament. Salma Mahbub emphasised the dream of an inclusive, Smart Bangladesh where disabled citizens enjoy equal opportunities and contribute to the nation’s smart economy. She stressed the need for continued advocacy, accessible infrastructure, reduced racism, and the establishment of a new CAUCUS with a convener, influential MPs, and a secretariat to ensure that the voices of disabled persons are heard and implemented in national policies.

Speeches from InterContinental Dhaka

Nazmul Huda, Director, Human Resources & Training, InterContinental Dhaka

Nazmul Huda discussed the company’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainability through the International Intercontinental Group’s (IHG) Disability Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiative, specifically focusing on differently abled colleagues (DAC). He highlighted that DAC inclusion emerged as a key priority during their SDG target discussions, aiming to be industry pioneers in showcasing effective inclusion practices. The initiative involved general managers, extensive interviews, and training sessions to ensure proper training for all, including the underprivileged. As a result, they selected four individuals to be directly involved with hotel guests, demonstrating their commitment to inclusivity.

Olivier Loreaux, Director, Food and Beverage Intercontinental Dhaka IHG

Olivier Loreaux shared his positive experiences from the past few months working with the hotel’s staff. He expressed his admiration for the amazing people at the hotel, noting their consistent smiles and happiness from morning to evening, which significantly enhances guest interactions. Loreaux highlighted the exceptional initiative of involving staff in café social, particularly mentioning the positive feedback from guests, who praised the brilliant initiative and the magical experience created through smiles and eye contact. He concluded by expressing his gratitude to everyone involved.

Mohammad Atiqur Rahaman, Managing Director, Intercontinental Dhaka IHG

Mohammad Atiqur Rahaman discussed the unique hospitality approach of the Intercontinental Hotel, which differentiates it from others.Rahaman highlighted that the hotel’s recruitment process, adhering to international guidelines and policies, led to the successful hiring of four disabled individuals, who have been performing their duties commendably.

Panel Discussion

The panel discussion, moderated by Manik Mahmud, included Md. Abul Kalam Azad MP, Chairman, Smart Bangladesh Network; Vice Chairman, iDEA Foundation; Former Principal Secretary; Md. Mokammel Hossain, Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism; Farjana Reza, National Programme Officer, Social Protection, International Labour Organization; Kazi Mohammad Aminul Islam, Chairman, Idea Foundation; and Mollah Mizanur Rahman, Joint Project Director (Joint Secretary). The discussion focused on the inclusion and empowerment of disabled individuals in Bangladesh’s tourism and employment sectors.

Md. Mokammel Hossain emphasised the commitment to extending job opportunities for disabled individuals beyond Hotel Intercontinental and Pan Pacific, ensuring that all hotels and tourism-related sectors like Biman Bangladesh Airlines and the civil aviation board adopt inclusive practices. He highlighted the necessity of building a Smart Bangladesh by integrating disabled persons into the workforce, making them skilled and quality contributors to society.

Farjana Reza praised the initiative of Hotel Intercontinental, which has employed four disabled women. She stressed the importance of promoting decent work environments and mentioned the Bangladesh Business and Disability Network’s role in raising employer awareness. She also underscored the collaboration with other UN agencies to implement the “Leave No One Behind” agenda.

Kazi Mohammad Aminul Islam discussed the challenges faced by disabled individuals and their caregivers. He emphasised that the Smart Bangladesh vision includes recognising disabled people as valuable resources. He assured support for the caucus and called for more awareness and flexible systems to accommodate diverse needs.

Md. Abul Kalam Azad MP, highlighted the importance of accessibility and grassroots initiatives. He acknowledged the inspiring presentations and committed to raising awareness and prioritising needs-based actions for inclusive development. He pledged to advocate for the development of women and people with disabilities to ensure smoother progress for Bangladesh.

The discussion concluded with a collective commitment to fostering an inclusive society, ensuring that disabled individuals are recognised and supported as valuable assets in building a Smart Bangladesh.

The dialogue aimed to identify the challenges and opportunities in creating an accessible and inclusive SMART Bangladesh, thereby reinforcing the commitment to equal opportunities and empowerment for all citizens. The insights and collaborative efforts from this event were vital for driving sustainable and inclusive development, ensuring that technological advancements and societal progress benefited everyone.

The policy dialogue concluded with a consensus on the need for continuous engagement and the establishment of a caucus to drive the disability inclusion agenda forward, ensuring that SMART Bangladesh is a model of inclusivity and accessibility.


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