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Women In Leadership Publication | 2nd Edition

We need special day, special program, special event, even special magazine for women only. From home makers to professionals, all Of us seek extra attention. Isn’t that ridiculous! Isn’t that demeaning! But we, women do need that special something because there are no Other way to grab the attention and prove that we are here. But that cannot be a solution; that just can’t be. It’s time to rethink whether we want to be treated special Or be only human. The problem lies in the word; in the notion Of the word – Women. It has become a taboo and it doesnt sound empowered rather it sounds vulnerable, weak and fragile!

I never grew up in my family as a girl; rather I was privileged being a girl. I was treated like a person who has her own mind to think,to have an opinion, to pursue her dreams. This allowed and inspired me to become someone with a purpose in life.To me, privilege means to have the voice to raise when it’s needed, to be independent, to say what you feel, to have the right, to be able to live with dignity. For us, family is the first and most important platform where we become an individual. To be human, one need not to be man Or woman! There could be differences in society but there is no barrier in achieving knowledge as we also have brain, intellect, integrity and ability. Why would we keep Our brain, heart and body into tiny boxes to reduce us to hoary stereotypes. You have to Come out from that comfort box. If you do, you will definitely find that many people will be by your side. People who proudly call themselves progressive and fervently support the human need for self-determination are buying into the notion that minor differences in male and female brains lead to major forks in the road and that some sort of gendered destiny is encoded in us. You can’t pick up a brain and say that’s a girl’s brain’ or ‘that’s a boy’s brain’!

Hashtag # Women to me is not a gender fight Or fight for rights; it’s a renaissance Of women to awaken, to rise for knowledge, ability and empowerment. We can be everywhere but there is this feeling Of non-existing which is alarming. We need to exist in the society in real manner, manner that matters to us. Today’s women are conscious then ever before. so why not they shine with their true potential and ability to live a positive impact in the world. If every person – regardless any gender can be empowered to be the best they can be, the world will become a better place for all to live. Empowering women through increasing their self-esteem and confidence is essential for us to establish and to take the human race forward. This includes setting and achieving goals in all aspects Of Our lives; from personal to professional. Women need to Overcome their personal hurt feelings and pain from the past, let go Of stress, overcome fears about the future and Overcome blocks to succeed. It’s time for us to challenge typical and stereotypical atmosphere that revolve around us. Many Of us are not happy by what we are getting! We know for sure that this is not what we deserve; so we need to be vocal about it to be seen and said. In order to profoundly establish Ourselves in this society, we need to be accountable to build a career; which is an urgent necessity for todays women. I was not born like this, rather I made myself One who is totally irresistible, extraordinary and important in my profession for my surrounding, society and for this country. That’s what makes a human! WIL will be with all professional women, thriving to be professional and we shall mentor you, guide you, encourage and engage you all the way to be independent in a meaningful way. We will support and encourage you to bring Out your true potential. It’s an urgency and necessity Of Our society to make us believe in ourselves. Trust me, it’s not a competition rather a journey to gather. Your wish can make the world a better, fairer and an amazing place to be. We are everywhere in Our society; we just need to push the boundary a little harder for us to make Our life better. I know you all will agree that we are more than capable to do so.

Nazia Andaleeb Preema
Editor, WIL Publication
President, Women in Leadership


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