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Women In Leadership Publication | 4th Edition

Leadership comes from owning. One must own oneself to pursue leadership. WIL is the power to provide women the ownership and visibility, therefore to understand the core essence of leadership. Owning represents the self-belief and confidence through which women professionals embrace themselves to achieve success through their individualistic essence. Visibility entails how they represent themselves and in turn, impact and influence their perception in the society. WIL believes in inspiring women to reach the peak of their potential and to celebrate women’s success. A society is never complete without the direct involvement and contribution of women. Women are visible — they are everywhere, from home to professional field. They are not only a demography; they are the key to development and we all know that. It’s crucial to be surrounded by strong-willed, hardworking and purpose-driven women. It is through their leadership that the traditions, values and legacy of our families have been upheld. Women’s intuition and emotional intelligence should be recognized and embraced through a leadership method and process.

I have seen women run the show for years, both at home and in the workplace, which has enabled our society to recognize behavior patterns and see the value behind their way of doing things. These women are master multi-taskers and are highly collaborative (though not afraid to get territorial to protect their domain). Women are the flag bearers of any society for continuous development. They enjoy their own space to test themselves and find their own rhythm. Yet they are merely visible in our value chain system. WIL believes in empowering women to believe in themselves and achieve their goals with confidence and zeal.

Women need to identify their contribution, strength and engagement which help shape the world. We would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the awe-inspiring professionals who have eloquently demonstrated their persona in their expert fields, to owning their self-belief and creating impact in reflecting their visibility in their work place. It is knowledge and enlightenment that upholds the spirit to voice out their achievements. It’s not a battle, rather a realization that without women a world is a glass half empty.

WIL publications embrace women’s intellectual potential, their thought capacity and empowering through raising their voice. I personally believe, until we properly document and curate our context to tell our stories, we will not be able to establish our right. In order to achieve equity, we must create a sustainable environment by showcasing the strong involvement that women have in our society. From my personal experience, I have noticed that women are capable of every affair, from daily life to professional platforms, yet they fail to unleash their potential. She is always under the supervision of critical explanation of their contribution. It is a habit; an attitude we always ignore to notice.

Own yourself to be visible!

Nazia Andaleeb Preema
Editor, WIL Publication
President, Women in Leadership


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