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AIUB’S Academic Strategic Plan 2023 – 2033 published

The Academic Strategic Plan (ASP 2033) presents a comprehensive blueprint for the University’s growth and excellence over the upcoming decade. This plan, which spans from 2023 to 2033, outlines a strategic pathway that harmonizes stakeholder feedback with the University’s vision, mission, and objectives. The process results in the identification of five key strategic pillars: Academic Leadership, Sustainable Development, Internationalization, Research and Innovation, and Digitalization.

Working in collaboration with these pillars, specific strategic focus areas are delineated to provide a clear and comprehensive scope for ASP 2033. Each pillar is further equipped with actionable plans, measurable indicators, and corresponding enablers.

The ASP 2033 is designed to align with the demand for quality education and skill development in response to rapid technological changes, particularly geared towards preparing youth to tackle forthcoming challenges. These five pillars of ASP 2033 resonate with both national and international higher education strategies, contributing significantly to Bangladesh’s vision of becoming a knowledge hub. The successful execution of each pillar’s objectives and action plans rests upon the collective commitment of all stakeholders, requiring proactive, innovative, and specialized efforts.

AIUB assumes a strategic role in enhancing Bangladesh’s human resources through its focus on quality education, research, innovation, and collaborative initiatives. With the ASP 2033, AIUB envisions its transformation into a distinguished national and international university within the next decade, offering outstanding academic and professional programs to equip students for success in a competitive global landscape.

The formulation of the Academic Strategic Plan involved a dedicated committee of 12 members, led by Dr. Carmen Z Lamagna, a Member of the Board of Trustees at AIUB. These individuals contributed rigorously, providing visionary insights and collaborative expertise through numerous brainstorming sessions over almost 8 months. The outcome is a robust and concrete document that stands as a pivotal roadmap for AIUB’s strategic progression in the foreseeable future.

Published on August 3, 2023, the Academic Strategic Plan 2023-2033 of AIUB marks a significant milestone. Dr. Carmen, on behalf of the committee, expressed gratitude to AIUB’s management for enabling the successful development of ASP 2033 by providing the scope and necessary resources.

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