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BBF Monthly | December 2021

The articles we have for our December issue of BBF monthly particularly focus on two broad themes recovery of organizations after COVID-19 and sustainability. As we know pandemic has caused great damage to the brands and organizations business-wise and how brands rebounding strongly to the market is our core proposition which also implies our Best Brands Awards story and Digital Marketing Award Story. In addition to that December issue also focuses on “Electrifying the Car Industry”, “Space Junk: A Never-Ending Problem”, “Eating Out – Habit or Hobson’s Choice?”. It also concentrates on “Servitization of business”, “Gender and Data Gaps in Design”, “Unpacking conflict & tensions across consumers’ multiple identities”.

We then move to focus on our local scenarios “Role of Citizen Journalism Bangladesh in Institutionalizing Volunteerism”, Interoperability among Fintech, Revitalizing urban gardening in Bangladesh.

The issue also contains regular segments including Harvard Business Review, NielsenIQ which are exclusively available to BBF monthly in Bangladesh.

The publication cover was designed by the country’s most prolific visual artist Ms. Nazia Andaleeb Preema, Director & Creative Editor, Bangladesh Brand Forum.


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