BANGLADESH BRAND FORUM HOSTED the 10th Digital Summit Presented by Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) in Association with The Daily Star at Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka, on Saturday, December 09, 2023. The day-long summit brought together local and global industry professionals and thought leaders to exchange insights on digital marketing trends, strategies, challenges, and solutions.

Themed “INNOVATION AND DISRUPTION: GUIDING THROUGH THE DIGITAL TERRAIN,” the summit aimed to analyse the complex dynamics of the digital marketing landscape by comprehensively exploring how innovation can be harnessed as a guiding compass in the face of disruption.

The day-long summit gathered leaders and experts from both home and abroad who shared their experiences and knowledge through distinguished panel discussions, keynote, and insight sessions. At the heart of today’s discussions laid the ever-evolving landscape of marketing in the digital realm. The event shed light on important issues like the potential within analytics, AI, and data, creating engaging narratives in the digital era, how tech is changing mass customisation options in digital marketing and supercharging marketing campaigns with predictive personalisation. The summit delved deep into the industry challenges, allowing industry leaders to share multi-dimensional experiences. It also enabled a platform to stage exclusive discussions on possible solutions, analyse digital trends, integrate technology and innovation, and develop industry guidelines to positively contribute to the digital media marketing industry.

The summit hosted an engaging agenda comprising 04 Keynote Sessions, 03 Panel Discussions and 02 Insight Sessions.


Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Shariful Islam, Founder & Managing Director of Bangladesh Brand Forum, said, “We find ourselves in a reality sculpted by the unprecedented events of the past. It is a call to innovate, disrupt the conventional, and navigate the digital age’s complex landscape. The professionals and experts in our midst are called upon to lead, meet these challenges head-on, and bridge the gaps in our journey toward a digitally transformed future.”


The summit’s opening keynote, led by Shihab Ahmad, Chief Commercial Officer of Robi Axiata Ltd., delved into the realm of “Analytics and AI for Digital Disruption.”

Approximately 50% of customers engage in digital transactions in today’s digital landscape, marking a significant shift towards digital channels. Shihab points out that Robi Axiata is at the forefront of digital transformation, boasting a specialised team that adeptly manages an astonishing 4 billion data points each day—proof of their unwavering commitment to harnessing the power of AI. Data has become an omnipresent force, with more than 170 million individuals consistently generating an astounding volume. From a Bangladeshi perspective, this amounts to almost a million terabytes. He mentions that implementing AI at Robi has translated into tangible benefits, reducing costs and amplifying efficiency. Notably, AI-driven visual generation has streamlined their go-to-market strategy, providing diverse expressions as needed. Robi’s analytics play a pivotal role in deciphering growth patterns. Witnessing a marked reduction in Cost Per Install (CPI) and increased media spend efficiency, analytics proves to be a linchpin in shaping effective business strategies. AI’s role in marketing is transformative, achieving a disruptive 50% cost reduction year-on-year. Its applications are versatile and impactful, from AI-powered recommendation models to dynamic route planning.


A keynote session on “The Conundrum of Digital and Data: Bedfellows and Not” was led by Prasun Basu, Founder & Chairman, Inteliphyle Ltd. The keynote walked through the intricacies of the digital and data ecosystem, highlighting the importance of an organised and united approach to measurement and integration for long-term growth and success.

Prasun Basu began by highlighting the integral connection between digital and data. The session was prompted by an important question posed by the CEO of a leading global company in Bangladesh, expressing scepticism about the effectiveness of digital marketing compared to traditional TV spending. An important observation made by Prasun was the exponential growth of information, which took over 180 years to achieve by other sources, but the internet accomplished this within just two decades. The explosion of data in the past decade, projected to reach 181 Zettabytes by 2025, underscores the need for businesses to navigate this complex landscape.

Examining the digital landscape in Bangladesh, Prasun highlighted that the country has nearly 50 million Facebook (Meta) users, with ample room for growth as only a quarter of the population currently engages on the platform. He says the future looks promising with the widespread use of smartphones, 4G, and the upcoming 5G technology. The way forward, as proposed by Prasun, involves measurement — a comprehensive approach that integrates various devices, sources, activities, content, and metrics into a single, cross-platform, and unified system. Drawing insights from the UK’s Barb platform, he emphasised the importance of understanding reach, distinguishing between unduplicated and exclusive reach across linear TV and streaming platforms.


The third keynote session was facilitated by Tara Yoon, Head of Partner Performance, Channel Sales – SEA, Google APAC, who explored the vast landscape of marketing in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

She commenced her session by highlighting the potential of AI, emphasising Google’s bold and responsible ambitions. AI, she explained, simplifies complexity for individuals, communities, and businesses, holding the promise of improving lives globally. From supercharging the search experience to predicting floods and enhancing creativity with tools like Google’s AI BARD, the reach of AI extends across 180 countries. Yoon showcased how AI becomes a catalyst in supercharging imagination and uncovering opportunities in the midst of complexity. Discussing the challenges faced by today’s Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs), Tara pointed out three key areas: uncovering and capturing unpredictable demand, driving ROI in a challenging environment, and navigating the data duality of too much and too little information. AI, she argued, has the potential to supercharge marketing, with a notable 2.5 times increase in AI adoption over the past five years.

Tara then looked into the practical applications of Google AI in marketing, focusing on how it aids in uncovering unpredictable demand and enhancing creativity. She highlighted the success story of Samsung Spain, which witnessed a remarkable 63% increase in sales by leveraging broad match opportunities. Responsive Search Ads and Demand Gen Campaigns were spotlighted as crucial elements in staying relevant. Video view campaigns, facilitated by Google AI, enabled Samsung to achieve a 16% increase in views and a remarkable 94% incremental reach.


The fourth and final keynote session was conducted by Bharat Avlani, Storyteller & Memory Collector, Founder, Connecting the Dots, Malaysia. He delved deep into the intricacies of storytelling, shedding light on its transformative potential in humanising the digital landscape. Avalani’s insights covered an array of dimensions, offering a complete understanding of the art of storytelling.

Avalani started his session by highlighting the potency of stories in leaving enduring imprints on human memory. He emphasised that stories, unlike raw data, have the remarkable ability to deliver emotions with unparalleled effectiveness. In a world exploding with information, it was an important reminder that at the heart of any business transaction or endeavour, there exists a human being, an emotional being, whose engagement and connection are fostered through the medium of stories. Drawing a connection between digitisation and humanisation, Avalani highlighted the importance of using connectivity not as a means of overshadowing human experiences but as a means to enhance them. The prevailing data deluge, as Avalani noted, surpasses the grains of sand on Earth, emphasising the pressing need for narratives that can make sense of this vast reservoir of information. Through storytelling, the digital landscape can be navigated with a profound understanding of the human touch.

Avalani advocated for the integration of visual elements into storytelling, mainly when dealing with data. While raw statistics might overwhelm, a well-crafted narrative supported by visuals has the potential to transform complex information into a compelling and relatable experience. The choice between a generic statement and a visually enriched story becomes pivotal, determining whether the audience merely consumes information or genuinely engages with a memorable and emotional experience.

Venturing into the realm of business storytelling, Avalani revealed some core elements. Stressing the importance of unfolding a business story as a conversation between individuals, he advocated for the inclusion of unexpected elements that add intrigue and captivate the audience. The DNA of a story, Avalani emphasised, lies in a carefully sequenced narrative that captures the essence without drowning in unnecessary details. He illustrated the transformative power of business storytelling through a compelling example – the story of Bangladeshi labourers contributing significantly to India’s development. The underlying message was clear: people remember stories and the emotions embedded within them, transcending the forgettable nature of raw data.


Tanzeen Alam, Chief Marketing Officer, Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd. was the moderator for this discussion. The distinguished panellists were Sajjad Hasib, Chief Marketing Officer, Grameenphone Ltd.; Shadman Sadekin, Marketing Director – Homecare, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.; Talat Rahim, Chief Marketing Officer, Daraz Bangladesh; Surayya Siddiqua, Director- Sales & Marketing, Grameen Danone Foods Ltd.; Allen Ebenezer Eric, Marketing Director, Marico Bangladesh Ltd. The panel emphasised the significance of experimentation, data transparency, and consistency in storytelling to create impactful marketing narratives in the evolving digital landscape.

Sajjad Hasib shared Grameenphone’s unwavering commitment to propelling the nation into the digital age. The essence lies in providing connectivity and minimising the digital divide. An approach unfolded through exploring over 50 communities, an endeavour to capture the emotions and stories behind digital usage. The narratives weren’t confined to the abstract; they became an integral part of media strategies.

Shadman Sadikin illuminated Unilever’s marketing strategy, focusing on three specific targets: the audience, increased sales, and communicating the brand’s benefits to customers. The dynamism in Unilever’s approach was reflected in their content delivery — a strategy tailored to the nuances of different platforms. The emphasis was on delivering content and understanding the right time for dissemination. Shadman Sadikin’s insights revealed an understanding of consumer behaviour and the strategic integration of data to drive decision-making.

Talat Rahim’s narrative revolved around Daraz’s journey in keeping customers engaged throughout the year, not merely during sales events like 11.11. The approach transcended mere advertising; it encompassed the effective promotion of a diverse range of products based on where they sold best. The underlying theme was the relationship between technology and audience behaviour.

Surayya Siddiqua introduced Grameen Danone Foods as a social enterprise, the first of its kind globally. The brand’s origin, driven by the vision to eliminate malnutrition, laid the foundation for stories that resonate with the audience. The digital journey commenced during the COVID-19 pandemic when Grameen Danone Foods shared volunteer stories and began using product features. The authenticity of the brand was emphasised through communication on Probiotic and Zinc. Surayya Siddiqua underscored the importance of consistency in storytelling, which influences trust in the audience.

Allen Ebenezer Eric provided insights into Marico Bangladesh’s unique approach to marketing in an offline-dominated business landscape. Central to their strategy was integrating digital ads as the core of Marico’s services. Campaigns around events like Women’s Day and Mother’s Day became more than marketing endeavours; they became a celebration of the strong bonds that customers share.


Ashraf Kaiser, Founder & Managing Director, Benchmark Ltd.; was the moderator for this panel discussion. The distinguished panellists Sharmin Rahman, Head of Corporate Brand and Engagement, Grameenphone Ltd.; Redoan Rony, Chief Executive Officer, Chorki; Kaushik De, Executive Creative Director, Magnito Digital; Rasel Mahmud, Executive Creative Director, X- Integrated Marketing Agency,  delved deeper into the intricate relationship between creativity and the dynamic landscape of the digital era.

To start the session, Sharmin Rahman explained the pivotal role of creativity in the digital communication domain. Elaborating on its transformative impact, she emphasised that as minds broaden, the perceptiveness of AI models like Chat GPT is enhanced. According to Sharmin, human creativity is a unique force that defies equivalence to machines. She underscored the significance of staying authentic to local identity for not just survival but thriving in the global arena. Collaboration, she argued, emerges as the anchor for encouraging creativity, which, in turn, drives the expansion of the industry.

Redoan Rony’s perspective delved into the evolution of creativity and how, once a domain of individual brilliance, it is now influenced by a collaborative approach. He posed a thought-provoking question regarding the enjoyment of AI creations by humans, pointing to the potential gap in appreciation. Rony emphasised the significance of core factors in creativity, explaining content creation in relation to the platform. His prediction for the future of interactive cinema hinted at a more immersive and engaging content experience.

Kaushik De’s insights explored the relationship between AI and human creativity. He acknowledged AI’s capacity to assist but warned against its complete understanding of cultural aspects. Kaushik painted the digital terrain as being a double-edged sword, where creativity, while offering immense opportunities, also imposes substantial pressures. He highlighted the need for self-mastery and an enhanced emotional quotient (EQ) as imperative tools in navigating the saturated digital market.

Rasel Mahmud’s viewpoint portrayed creativity as a universal force, offering stability in times of uncertainty. He advocated for a unique and internally driven approach to creativity, cautioning against over-reliance on technology for creative endeavours. Mahmud explored the delicate balance between global aspirations and the need to preserve local authenticity, reflecting on the importance of cultural roots.

The comprehensive discussion concluded with a focus on understanding specific audience categories, the power of local content in the global arena, and the importance of reflection and emotional intelligence in cultivating creativity. Together, the panellists carefully depicted the multifaceted intersection of creativity, technology, and the ongoing quest for relevance in the digital age.


Salahuddin Shahed, CEO, FCB Bitopi was the moderator for this discussion. The distinguished panellists were Kazi Mohiuddin, Senior General Manager, Meghna Group of Industries (MGI); Rakibul Hasan, Director, Media, Mediacom Ltd.; Farooq Shams, Chief Strategy Officer, Asiatic Marketing Communication Ltd./Asiatic 3Sixty; Syeda Umme Salma Jhumur, CEO, Ngage 360. Predictive personalisation has emerged as a critical tool for marketers to understand consumer behaviour and tailor campaigns effectively. Together, they delved into the ways marketing campaigns can be supercharged through predictive personalisation.

Kazi Mohiuddin emphasised how predictive personalisation is essential in comprehending consumer demands. By identifying different audience segments through a unified approach, marketers can tailor messages based on individual responses. However, he acknowledged the challenge of acquiring substantial data for predictive models to yield meaningful insights, stressing the need for a robust backend infrastructure to fully leverage predictive personalisation.

Rakibul Hasan emphasised the importance of strategic resource allocation in marketing efforts. He argued for investing resources in marketing before expecting returns, asserting that this approach is crucial for meaningful returns on investment. Hasan also expressed concerns about the closure of research organisations in Bangladesh, emphasising their critical role in extracting and utilising data for informed decision-making.

Farooq Shams shed light on the abundant availability of data but stressed the challenge of insufficient sharing and collaboration within the industry. He urged for proactive planning in data sharing, emphasising that early efforts in this domain contribute to a more optimised and effective marketing ecosystem. Shams also identified the need to bridge the gap between investment and returns, emphasising the importance of striking a balance between content creation and strategic dissemination for impactful campaigns.

Syeda Umme Salma Jhumur highlighted the presence of data in some organisations but pointed out a lack of shared data across the industry. She stressed the significance of understanding audience perception through data utilisation, advocating for a data-driven approach. Jhumur also addressed privacy concerns by ensuring data security through confidentiality agreements, emphasising the importance of ethical data handling practices.

The panel also briefly discussed the evolving landscape of the advertising and film industry, noting a positive shift in perception and an increasing influx of opportunities for professionals. They collectively highlighted the transformative potential of predictive personalisation, the imperative for collaborative data-sharing efforts, ethical considerations, and the dynamic nature of the advertising industry. They provided insights into the challenges and opportunities in crafting effective, data-driven marketing campaigns. As the industry evolves, embracing predictive personalisation and ethical data practices emerges as a critical strategy for success.


Tusnuva Ahmed Tina, Managing Partner, Mindshare Bangladesh; conducted an insight session on “Journey into Tomorrow: AI’s Transformative Role.” She provided insights into the evolving landscape of media and marketing with the integration of AI. She commenced the insight session by highlighting the rapid pace at which specific applications reach the one-million-user milestone, emphasising that for most apps, it takes years. In contrast, ChatGPT achieved this feat in just five days. This set the stage for discussing the journey into tomorrow, where a significant shift was observed when transitioning to a digital platform.

The overall theme of the session underscored the immense innovation witnessed in the AI sector. As the world becomes increasingly connected, consumers experience hyper-personalisation, primarily influenced by exposure to global platforms. As stated by Tusnuva, businesses must adopt AI and seamlessly integrate it into strategies, paralleling the shift from analogue to digital media. The session then delved into specific AI use cases in content creation and recommendations. ChatGPT, in particular, emerged as a powerful tool, streamlining workflows by assisting in article and email writing. The application of AI, as demonstrated by Cadbury’s recent campaign during Diwali, showcased its ability to personalise local store advertisements.

Tusnuva emphasised the practical pathways for using AI tools effectively. This involved a process of experimentation, data transformation, and the honing of one’s brand identity. The idea was to experiment with various tools, analyse their suitability, and eventually master them using AI to create a distinct brand identity. The session also debunked the myth that AI replaces human work; instead, it complements it. The discussion delved into the significance of prompt engineering, stressing the need to provide better prompts to AI to adapt to its capabilities effectively. The insights extended to the challenges faced, such as difficulties in photoshoots of specific content types and the necessity of nuanced prompt writing for better results.

In Bangladesh, the exploration of AI has commenced. Tusnuva predicts that within one or two years, the country will realise the full extent of AI-driven content strategies being discussed recently. The session served as a sign which will help guide the audience through the potential of AI in reshaping the future of media and marketing.


In the insightful session at Digital Summit 2023, Mohammad Obidur Rahman, Chief Digital Transformation Officer at X – Integrated Marketing Agency, emphasized the crucial role of data-driven communication in the digital age, highlighting three key areas: Perception, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), and Case Studies.

Rahman pointed out a common pitfall in storytelling, cautioning against causing annoyance by narrating stories that may not resonate with the audience. He urged a reevaluation of communication strategies, asking marketers to consider whether consumers truly understand the narrative.

The session stressed the importance of identifying the sources of influence that lead to consumer conversion. Rahman discussed the often-talked-about but rarely practised realm of AI-driven analytics. Drawing examples from global giants like Netflix and Airbnb, he showcased how these platforms leverage analytics to understand consumer behaviours, preferences, and product classifications.

Rahman prompted a reflection on individual preferences, noting that consumers exhibit diverse tastes, ranging from thematic and functional preferences to regional or universal approaches. He urged marketers to delve into understanding audience interests and behaviours, emphasizing the need to shift focus to consumer behaviour for effective communication strategies in the digital landscape.

The event unfolded as a collage of insights where AI, data, creativity, and storytelling took centre stage. The message was clear: in the digital era, technology should not dehumanise but serve as a conduit for deeper, more resonant human connections. As the curtains fell, the collective wisdom served as a compass, guiding businesses and individuals towards a future where the fusion of technology and humanity will create a wave of innovation and empathy.


Revelling into its 7th glorious year, the widely acclaimed Digital Marketing Award honoured 139 digital campaigns across 24 distinct categories by holding a grand award gala. An initiative of Bangladesh Brand Forum, Digital Marketing Award 2023, was presented by Meghna Group of Industries, in association with The Daily Star.

In the welcome speech, Nazia Andaleeb Preema, Director & Creative Editor, Bangladesh Brand Forum, said, “The pathway to excel in digital marketing has evolved to a new dynamic including data, AI, and innovation. This accolade serves not only as a recognition of our excellent efforts but also as a call to drive ourselves harder and more passionately to thrive.”

More than 600 digital marketing and business professionals attended the award gala. The widely sought-after Digital Marketing Award is the only accolade for digital communication and campaigns in Bangladesh. This year, more than 1037 nominations were submitted for the award. A two-level jury process – Shortlisting and Grand Jury – was then conducted to finalise the ultimate winners. Initially, 10 jury panels consisting of 136 jurors shortlisted 453 campaigns. These campaigns were further scrutinised in 10 grand jury sessions consisting of 115 category experts. Finally, 139 campaigns were declared winners in four ranks for this year’s Digital Marketing Award.

This year, 71 Bronze, 49 Silver, and 19 Gold awards were presented. For this edition of Digital Marketing Award, there were no Grand Prix recipients.


An initiative of Bangladesh Brand Forum, the 10th edition of Digital Summit and 7th Digital Marketing Award were  presented by Meghna Group of Industries, in association with The Daily Star; Strategic Partner – Bangladesh Creative Forum; Inteliphyle; Knowledge Partner – Marketing Society of Bangladesh (MSB); Technology Partner – aamra Networks Limited; PR Partner – Backpage PR.

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