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Piplu R Khan Shares His Story at Bangladesh YouthFest Gala Round

Piplu R Khan is a renowned film director who has elevated the film industry of our nation to immense heights. He was one of the Lecture Series Speakers at Bangladesh YouthFest Gala Round.

In his highly interactive session, he talked about his insecurities that he had felt about his career in his early days. He talked about how all the problems faced by a newer generation is so different, yet is somewhat similar at the core, and it just keeps coming back in different textures and colors. He talked about conflict as a whole and went into great depths to reveal that the biggest conflict that we have is not against ourselves, but within ourselves. The biggest problem that we have is that most of the time, we don’t even know what to feel or how to convey what we are feeling.

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He stressed that there is so much ‘noise’ around us that we don’t even know what we want anymore. He talked about how dreams of youths have become generic and why they are all chasing the same dream and the youth are making a mistake by chasing that one ‘perfect’ life. Following recent trends will cause the youth to lose their sense of originality and eventually, it will affect us in a nation-wide scale, he added. “Even though we have fallen into this endless cycle of work; we also have to consider implementing culture into our lives too, or else we will not be able to progress,” he concluded his session.

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