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Motivating your consumer: The key for brand communication

Brand Equity entails the successful integration of value and customer acceptance. As such, it is of utmost importance to attract, retain and motivate customers with heed to the plethora of generic emotions. They could be either conscious or subconscious. These are an alternative of esoteric communications centered over specialist attractions over specific arrangements of the funnel. In such instances of esoteric communications, the probability of converging from awareness to purchase, tends to become clouded with an extensive alternative evaluation process. It has been further illustrated via competitiveness of rivals and their communication strategies.

It is essential to undertake measures to realize the differing planes of consciousness within the customer’s mind. It can successfully create value at present times where the customer philosophies are rather modernistic.  Attention to climbing the hierarchy with mobility and positive outcomes also comes included with this process. The modern customer is a complex integration of being loyal, impulsive, discount-driven, need fulfilling and wandering. Modern, successful campaigns are crafted with attention to taking into account these varying behavioral segmentation. The approach of segmentation-fit, one-size-fits-all strategization has grown to become risky when weighed against the modern customer.

The Primary Elements of Customer Motivation:

There are three main elements of customer motivation. From a functionalist perspective, each of these elements are external happenings which are rather internalized. Nonetheless, these are elements which drive customers into behaving the way that they do.

  • Emotions:

As we constantly attempt to decipher emotions and their consequences, we realize that we are in an era of digitally driven brand communication which fixates on the substantial fruits of omni-channel marketing. And it goes on to the creation of successful value chains. The battle between brands is not just about being right with attention to knowledge-based data anymore. Instead it has become a battle of being at the right place at the right time, with greater focus on digital presence.

Customers are not just a coined noun for capitalization. They are sentient human beings before being anything else. It is essential to align with their emotional existence to truly enhance their motivation to go down the funnel. The strategy further pursues the development of loyalty since the customer would essentially be able to resonate with the brand and its communication. So, it is crucial to tap into the plane of emotions through motivating the subconscious fragments of the customer.

  • Situations:

The state of presence is significantly enhanced and manipulated due to situational events and actions. The matter tends to be an external variable. But it is effectively taken into the customer’s consciousness and responses initiate a chain of reaction. It results in further actions which go onto reaching a situational equilibrium. Research suggests that customers in supermarkets are more likely to try out free samples if they see other customers trying out the samples too. It occurs due to the development of the sense of situational trust with external responses.

Brand communication often finds itself standing against situational fads, trends, megatrends or even continual progression of activities. The ordeal is not just about devising strategies and execution plans to capitalize on the momentary situation with digitally driven measures. Instead of riding the wave of trend, brands capitalizing on the response of their specific target segments, is the true realization of connection formed with the brand. And this goes on to the further development of brand equity in terms of customer response.

  • Personalities:

Each customer is unique than the other with their own set of beliefs, perceptions, ambitions and drive. This final product is a combination of psychology, socialization, personal development and several other external variables. It is also important to realize that each customer undergoes constant personality change as a continuous process, in the short term or long term. The significance varies with respect to emotions and situations. An innovator can too feel like a wanderer at times.

When it comes to brand communications, it needs to be instilled on solidified modules derived via continual extensive research over targeted segmentations. It may be a major social influence or even a globally trending theme of conversation, the customer needs to be addressed effectively so as to connect minds and generate sustainable levels of loyalty.

Are the customers visibly aware of the influence?

The influence which brand communications wish to portray is not necessarily a conscious fragment of motivation. Instead, it is mostly a nonconscious influence which aims to internalize the necessary action from the customers. Brands being more and more modernized with the dynamics of the world, it is essential to craft motivating communications which would lead to effective funneling of widespread audiences with respect to the various offerings and values. The matter calls for meticulous creativity, research with foresight, crucial adaptability and continual efforts coupled with overall alignment of the brand communications team. It is a process which calls for efficiency without authoritarian workload.

Author- Mohaimenul Solaiman Nicholas

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