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Inside the GenZ mind of work culture

The world is fast changing, and it is an old story. But it couldn’t be more true for Gen Z and their process of choosing their workplace. There is a common stereotype that goes around that the newer generation is only attracted to jobs which pay more. Big-name corporate institutions, by and large, designed their employment policies with that stereotype as a bar of expectation. Perhaps that is true for some of the new job seekers. But then again, in this ever-changing world, the preferences of the new generation also took a sharp turn. It’s now stability and sustainability over money for many.

The modern generation, especially those who receive higher or university-level education, likes to stand for a cause. Let’s take the west, for example. College graduates and post-graduate students pursue ideologies and not just a profession. They similarly expect their workplace to consist of ideologies in support of the greater good. It is true that the corporate realm now prioritises social good in their policies. But only prioritising is half the work done. The new aspirants want to see the corporate institutions walk the walk. This is why many fresh graduates are now opting to work for relatively smaller companies offering greater sustainability.

According to a new poll by ‘Handshake’, a student job-finding platform, almost 60% of Gen Z avoid looking for employment with firms that have a perceived detrimental influence on the environment. Previous research indicated that more than half of younger employees declined to consider positions at firms with little diversity, and 62% said they’d be more willing to apply if a company committed to equal pay. The younger generation is taking into account various values and morals that the older generation might have avoided. Aside from career ambitions, these values are also considered pivotal in this day and age.

However, it can’t be said with certainty that Gen Z has perfected their sustainability-first approach. That is to say that these people will still have to weigh their opportunities on the basis of pay as well. How an individual is paid in today’s world is a substantial factor. However, in cases where the young ones can actually afford to forgo a financially lucrative offer will obviously choose the institute that offers and promotes sustainability in different aspects.

What is ‘Sustainability’ in the discussion? Sustainability refers to an array of subjects which matters significantly nowadays. It ranges from ‘Environmental Perseverance’ all the way to ‘Equal Pay’. In short, ‘Sustainability’ largely refers to positive changes and ideologies for the corporate realm to acclimate with. Up and coming generation is looking to engage with organisations which promote such behaviour in the workplace and their core systems. Aside from the monetary remuneration, an organisation’s progressive nature and environment facilitate the employees to practice valued characteristics. And this is exactly what this generation is looking for because a sense of positivity and morals accompanies the sense of their purpose.

Bangladesh, as of now, only has a handful of organisations which can be regarded as Sustainable. These organisations are preceded mostly by their values and conduct. The younger generation finds these values enticing out of their interest in being a part of something bigger. More or less, all renowned corporations of the country prioritise ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Sustainable Growth’. The implementation of these through campaigns and activities is more crucial than prioritising the subjects.

With words such as ‘Gender Equality’ or ‘Equal Pay’ or ‘Environmental protection’ becoming a buzzword, younger generations no longer consider how the words are used. They are more interested in seeing those priorities manifest in real-time. Most of these people have lived through the worst of all the social stigmas. In the process, it became a part of their identity, and so they stand to change those stigmata in any capacity possible.

A workplace is no longer just a place to practice any given profession. A career now entails personal and societal progress and change with professional changes. The new generation will try to bring the change they long for. For a better outcome, it is in the corporate organisations’ best interest to facilitate these youths by bringing structural changes as they prioritise. The values the corporate realm promote, need to be manifested so progress can unravel unbound.


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