The Emergence of Utilising Demographic Dividend and Overcoming the Foreseeable Challenges

Approximately 57% of the population is employed in Bangladesh. The 8th most populous country is also the land of one of the massive youth unemployment rates in the world, slightly…

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The Journey of a brand aligned with Country’s Infrastructural Development

Bangladesh's development in the last few years can be depicted profoundly by the unprecedented infrastructural development we have obtained. 2022 is an excellent example in this regard. This year the…

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A Race to Relevancy or Efficiency? – The World Bank and Its Transitions

“Powerful states seek to construct international political economies that suit their interests and ideologies.” To explain the statement further, it means hegemons create such a set of rules and organisations…

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Bangladesh as a Champion of The Global South’s March Towards The SDGs

Unequal access to connectivity, digital tools and digital skills has been driving a wedge between societies over the last few decades; something the pandemic has exaggerated. On the flip side,…

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The emergence of e-commerce and shift towards digital channels was seen by some as the death of traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores. Apprehensive of the dynamic change, many traditional retailers opted…