Monetising Creativity: Strategies for Brands and Influencers in the Creator Economy

The creator economy has undoubtedly been one of the most impactful phenomena centred on rationalising modernist ambitions. While the phenomenon relies on Creators, Followers, and Tools aiming to funnel loyalty…

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The Return of Brands: Creativity and AI Leading Marketing Trends in 2024

Brands Are Back—And They’re Driving Growth. Both the nature of the conversation and the mix of attendees gathered on the Croisette highlighted a shift back to brands this year. The…

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Surviving Cost-Cutting: The Art of Balancing Brand Building and Direct Marketing

In many organisations, restructuring is an unexpectedly common event, often occurring as a semi-annual effort to manage expenses. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, this feels like coordinated action as most companies…

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Brand Boycott: From Controversies to Coping Strategies Lessons from the Front-lines of Corporate Accountability

These days, the term "boycott" is being applied to various issues and situations. But what about brand boycotts? I think the ever-changing world of consumer activism and corporate accountability has…

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