How to make the best use of linkedin for personal branding

Personal branding on LinkedIn is essential for professionals looking to build their brand, network, and find new career opportunities. LinkedIn, the largest professional social media platform in the world offers…

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The Journey of a brand aligned with Country’s Infrastructural Development

Bangladesh's development in the last few years can be depicted profoundly by the unprecedented infrastructural development we have obtained. 2022 is an excellent example in this regard. This year the…

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A Race to Relevancy or Efficiency? – The World Bank and Its Transitions

“Powerful states seek to construct international political economies that suit their interests and ideologies.” To explain the statement further, it means hegemons create such a set of rules and organisations…

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The Best Mobile Brand! Samsung’s pioneering contribution to creating a ‘Smart Bangladesh’

Galvanised by the simple but profound objective of creating significant innovation, Samsung has always pushed the horizon of mobile technologies nationwide and established a standard of what a smartphone can…

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How to Celebrate 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence: Corporate Edition

While doing research for this article I found many working papers, news articles, blog posts, and policy briefs that talk about eliminating the violence that is perpetuated against women. However,…

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